Assessments: Interest Inventory and Spelling Inventory.
Purpose Setting: Today is our first day so it's going to be about getting to know each other. I'm going to have you fill out an interest inventory just so I can see what you enjoy reading about, we'll do a quick spelling test, and then we can do some reading together. If we have time we can write about what we read.
Steps for First Objective: Interest Inventory
This activity is just about me getting to know you! So just fill it out so I can make sure to always have books about things you like, and I just want to get to know you a little better.
Steps for Second Objective: Spelling Inventory
The next activity we will be doing is a spelling inventory. This is for me to see what words you can spell and which ones you have trouble with. So I'll just say the word out loud and then you will write it on this sheet of paper. There are 25 words, do your best! (I will assess students after the lesson and bring it back to her to see her score next time).
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Lily taking her spelling inventory. |
The last thing we're going to do is just read a book of your choice. I brough a few you can choose from or you can read a book you are already reading independently. You're just going to read the book out loud to me! If we have enough time we can write a little about it.
Good job today! It was really nice to meet you and I enjoyed learning so many new things about you. I will see you again Thursday!
Reflection of Student:
I met my student, Lily (chosen name), today and she was very excited to get to come read in the hallway with me. She saw it as something special. I already knew her from my practicum class, so she was pretty talkative with me. As we filled out her interest inventory she wasn't nervous to tell me about what she liked or didn't like. I came to find out she really enjoys a series called Amulet. Through her interest inventory I also came to find out that she also likes other graphic novels as well as mystery/suspense stories. She acted like she enjoys reading in her free time. She told me that her and her class go to the library every Friday and she picks out two books every week to read. Lily then completed a spelling inventory for me and this helped me determine that we need to work on some diphthongs next week. After we completed this, I had her read aloud to me. She chose one of her Amulet books and she got very into it. She had awesome fluency and expression. She was able to give me a summary of the series and that book so far so I could be caught up with what she was going to read to me and she was able to recall all of the questions I asked her as we were reading. I am going to analyze her comprehension in a retell next week with a text I choose. This way I can see if she is just good at retelling a book she enjoys, or if she has overall good comprehension. I am very excited to keep working and learning with Lily.
What I Learned about Myself:
I really enjoyed being able to be one on one with a student today. In my practicum I am always working with small groups or the whole group, so it was nice to give one student my undivided attention. It is so much easier to focus on an individual student and meet every single one of their needs. As a future classroom teacher, it is good practice to learn tips and tricks now with one student so I can apply it to a whole classroom later. I also learned that making the student feel comfortable is huge. As we started her spelling test I could tell she was very nervous. She kept telling me that she was a really bad speller. I kept saying just do your best and that didn't seem to make her feel any better. So after a few times of her saying that I stopped and said, 'you know what? I used to be a not so good speller, but I learned to use all the strategies I could and to practice at home and now I'm a super good speller!' She looked at me and said, 'really?' After that we continued on and she sounded out (out loud) every word after that. Giving her something to relate to took a little bit of the pressure off of her which was awesome.
What's Next?
Next time we are going to do a motivational survey to see what motivates Lily as a reader. We will also be doing a running record to check her fluency and see what areas might need a little extra work. Lastly, we will be doing a word sort to work on diphthongs.
-Ms. A
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